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Microsoft、Windows 10の累積アップデートでKB4515384で発生するオーディオに関する不具合を認め回避策を案内

S 20190915 95257

Microsoftは9月13日(現地時間)、Windows 10 Version 1903用の最新累積アップデートKB4515384に、オーディオ関連の不具合が存在することを認めました。


症状 回避策
Microsoft has received reports that audio in certain games is quieter or different than expected after installing this update. At the request of some of our audio partners, we implemented a compatibility change that enabled certain games to query support and render multi-channel audio. Due to customer feedback, we are reverting this change as some games and some devices are not rendering multi-channel audio as expected. This may result in games sounding different than customers are used to and may have missing channels.

To mitigate the issue, open settings in the impacted game and disable multi-channel audio, if this option is available. You can also search in the Windows Control Panel for third-party audio device control panels and disable Multi-channel audio or Virtual Surround Sound, if these options are available.

We are working on a resolution and estimate a solution will be available in late September.




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