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Windows 10 Insider Preview build 15058がリリース - 仕上げ作業が進行中


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Microsoftは本日、Windows 10の最新プレビュービルド「「Windows 10 Insider Preview build 15058」のPC版をリリースしました(Blogging WindowsMSPoweruser)。

Windows Insider Programに参加し、更新設定を”Fast”に設定しているユーザーは、既存のWindows 10環境からWindows Updateを利用して最新ビルドに更新することができます(PC版の場合「設定 > 更新とセキュリティ > Windows Update」より更新できます)。

Microsoftは現在、4月の公開が予想されるWindows 10の次期大型アップデート「Windows 10 Creators Update」に向けてベータビルドを更新中です。すでに仕上げの段階に入っていて、今回のビルドでも不具合の修正や細かな改良だけが行われています。

  • We fixed the issue causing a number of inbox apps to fail to launch (such as Store) and preventing any app updates from the Store from installing.
  • We fixed another issue causing some UWP apps would unexpectedly appear with their app package name in the title bar as opposed to the app name.
  • We fixed an issue where going to fullscreen or maximizing Microsoft Edge when Microsoft Edge’s window was snapped to a size smaller than half the screen would trigger back navigation.
  • We fixed an issue resulting in the mouse pointer staying visible when watching a video fullscreen in Microsoft Edge.
  • We fixed a crash Insiders may have sometimes experienced in recent builds when accessing the Wi-Fi Settings page via Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi.
  • We fixed an issue where the desktop session sometimes crashed for Insiders after locking if the PC was set to lock on sleep. After this happened, trying to unlock the computer could result either seeing an unexpected “Can’t log in: The number of connections to this computer is limited and all connections are in use” error on the login screen, or a successful login only to find all open apps had been closed.
  • We fixed an issue where renaming an encrypted PDF would reset the default PDF reader if it was not currently set to Microsoft Edge.
  • We have improved video playback quality on the target device when using Miracast to wirelessly connect from a high DPI PC to another high DPI device.


またSlow Ringユーザーに対してリリース済みの、より安定したバージョンであるbuild 15048ISOファイルが公開されています。

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