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Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26016がリリース - Canaryチャンネル向け、Windows保護印刷モードの導入


S 20231214 95851

Microsoftは12月13日(現地時間)、Windows 11のWindows Insider ProgramのCanaryチャンネル向けの最新ビルド「Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26016」をリリースしました(Windows Blog)。


Windows Insider Programの更新オプションでCanaryチャンネルを選択し、Windows 11のプレビュー版を使用しているユーザーは、Windows Updateを利用して最新版に更新することができます。

Build 26016の新機能

Build 26016の新機能は以下の通りです。




  • スタートを押す。
  • ローカルグループポリシーエディタを開く。
  • 「コンピュータの構成 > 管理用テンプレート > プリンタ」に移動。
  • 「Windows保護印刷の構成」を右クリックし、「編集」をクリック。
  • 「有効」のラジオボタンを選択。
  • 「適用」をクリックし、「OK」をクリックする。
  • これでWindows保護印刷が有効になる。




「設定 > Bluetoothとデバイス」画面の「Phone Link」を「モバイルデバイス」にリネームする変更を展開し始めている。この変更の一環として、PCからモバイルデバイスへのアクセスを許可するための新しいセクションが表示されるように。

Mobile devices settings



Fixes for known issues

  • Fixed an issue causing WinRE (Windows Recovery Environment) to not render correctly in the previous flight.
  • Fixed an issue causing keyboard shortcuts to not work on the desktop – including using the delete key to delete files off of your desktop, CTRL key combos to take action on desktop icons, or using ALT + F4 on the desktop to open the shutdown dialog.
  • Fixed an underlying issue causing the details pane in File Explorer to unexpectedly take keyboard focus sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue causing it to not be possible to save changes to shortcuts (.lnk) in the previous flight, as they would cite something was using the process.
  • We did some work to help improve the performance of loading Settings > Apps > Installed apps.
  • Fixed an issue where Settings was crashing when attempting to navigate to the “System and Reserved” section under System > Storage.

Known issues


  • [REMINDER] Some popular games may not work correctly on the most recent Insider Preview builds in the Canary Channel. Please be sure to submit feedback in Feedback Hub on any issues you see with playing games on these builds.
  • We’re investigating an issue where the print queue is showing a messaging saying it can’t find the app when opened.
  • [NEW] We’re investigating an issue causing a small number of Insiders to not be able to open Settings after the previous flight. If you are impacted, please see this forum post for a workaround.
  • [NEW] Navigating to Settings > Power will crash Settings on this build. As a workaround, you can use commands to configure power modes on your device. powercfg /overlaysetactive will set the active user configured power mode, powercfg /q OVERLAY_SCHEME_CURRENT will get the active user configured power mode. For more information on using powercfg to adjust these settings, click here.


  • You may experience a loading delay when the Microsoft Start feed is reenabled.
  • Announcements from the Microsoft Start feed are still shown on the taskbar after the feed is hidden.
  • The Widgets Board should automatically close and reopen when enabling or disabling feeds.
  • Keyboard navigation from settings subpages back to the top-level Settings page is broken.
  • Incorrect spacing and fonts used in some settings pages.


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