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Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26040がリリース - Canaryチャンネル向け、スマホの写真やスクリーンショットに素早くアクセスし編集できる機能が追加されるなど、多数の新機能が追加


Windows 11 Hero wallpaper 1024x576

Microsoftは1月26日(現地時間)、Windows 11のWindows Insider ProgramのCanaryチャンネル向けの最新ビルド「Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 26040」をリリースしました(Windows Blog)。


Windows Insider Programの更新オプションでCanaryチャンネルを選択し、Windows 11のプレビュー版を使用しているユーザーは、Windows Updateを利用して最新版に更新することができます。

Build 26040の新機能

Build 26040の新機能は以下の通りです。


Androidモバイルデバイスの最新の写真やスクリーンショットに、PC上のSnipping Toolから簡単にアクセスし、編集できる機能を順次提供開始。Android端末で新しい写真やスクリーンショットをキャプチャすると、PCに即座に通知が届く。

Cross device notif

このエクスペリエンスを有効にするには、「設定」 > 「Bluetoothとデバイス」>「モバイルデバイス」で「デバイスを管理」を選択し、PCからAndroidスマートフォンへのアクセスを許可する。このエクスペリエンスを動作させるために必要なクロスデバイス・エクスペリエンス・ホストのアップデートがPCへMicrosoft Store経由で提供される。

Manage mobile device settings

この新しいエクスペリエンスは、9月に発表されたPhone Linkを使ったリモートキャプチャーに代わるものとなる。

Voice Clarityでクリアなオンラインコミュニケーションを体験

Surfaceデバイスで利用可能だったVoice Clarityを拡張し、より多くのデバイスで利用できるようにした。Voice Clarityは、最先端のAI技術によってWindowsでのオーディオ体験を向上させる機能。エコーをキャンセルし、バックグラウンドノイズを抑制し、残響をリアルタイムで低減する。

この機能はデフォルトで有効になっており、Phone LinkやWhatsAppなどCommunications Signal Processing Modeを使用するアプリで利用可能。x64およびArm64 CPUでサポートされているため、追加のハードウェアは必要ない。


Windows OS Media Setup は、よりクリーンでモダンなデザインに一新される。ベアメタル(クリーン)OS インストール体験は、無人サポートを含め、これまでと同じ機能が引き続きサポートされるが、Windowsを実行しているデバイスで利用可能な現行のアップグレードおよびインストール体験と一致するようになる。

Winsetup before after

このリフレッシュされたWindowsセットアップ体験を試したい場合、Build 26040のISOをダウンロードし、PCにクリーンインストールするか、仮想マシン(VM)にクリーンインストールすることができる。

USB 80Gbps

最新世代のUSB規格であるUSB 80Gbpsをサポートした。USB 80Gbpsははazer Blade 18など、Intel Core第14世代HXシリーズモバイルプロセッサを搭載した一部のデバイスで最初にサポートが始まる。

同規格はUSB4規格の最初のメジャーバージョンアップで、パフォーマンスが40Gbpsから80Gbpsに向上し、世代の高性能ディスプレイ、ストレージ、接続性を実現する。旧世代のUSBおよびThunderbolt用に作られた周辺機器との間に完全な後方互換性があり、他のすべてのUSB Type-C機能とともに動作する。


その他、ナレーターでの画像消費体験の向上や、スクリーンキャストの検出性の改良、Windows LAPS(Local Administrator Password Solution)への多数の新機能の追加が行われています。


Changes and Improvements


  • As we mentioned with Build 26020, WordPad is removed when doing a clean install and now is also removed on upgrade starting with this build.

[Copilot in Windows*]

  • We are making a change where the Copilot icon is shown on the right side of the system tray on the taskbar to make the entry point to Copilot more clear and easily accessible by being closer to where the Copilot pane opens. As part of this change, we have defaulted the “show the desktop” behavior for the far-right corner of the taskbar to off and this can be re-enabled in the taskbar behaviors section under Settings > Personalization > Taskbar (you can simply right-click on the taskbar to get to this). This is just beginning to roll out to Insiders in the Canary Channel so not every will see this change right away.
The Copilot on the right side of the system tray on the taskbar.

[Taskbar & System Tray]

  • When you hover over the date and time in the system tray, the tooltip will now always show a clock even when you only have a single clock added.

[File Explorer]

  • In addition to the new “Compress To” formats for 7Z and tar, we are adding a new compression wizard that lets you choose even more formats and specify even more details. You can compress individual files with gzip/bzip2 (and more,) or add multiple files to archives in different tar formats with different types of compression. You can also change the compression level and what types of data are stored in each archive.

[Windows Share]

  • For Microsoft Edge and other browsers that invoke the Windows share window, the Windows share window now supports the ability to share website links directly to WhatsApp, Gmail, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and LinkedIn. In Microsoft Edge, you can invoke the Windows share window by clicking the share icon at the top right in the toolbar and choosing the Windows share options.
New share targets for sharing links through the Windows share window.
  • If you’re signed in with a Microsoft Entra ID, in addition to being able to share to your Microsoft Teams (work or school) contacts, you can also now share directly to specific Microsoft Teams Channels and groups chats as well directly within the Windows share window.
  • We have significantly improved nearby share transfer speed for users on same network. Before these changes, users had to be on the same private network but now users just have to be on the same network, which could be public or private. You can quickly turn on nearby share via Quick Settings and simply right-click on a local file in File Explorer, choose “Share”, and choose to share to a device listed under Nearby Share in the Windows share window.

[Task Manager]

  • We have updated the Task Manager icon to match the design of other icons in Windows 11.
Behold! The new Task Manager icon.


  • In Microsoft Word, Narrator will now announce the presence of a draft comment, a resolved comment, a bookmark, or the availability of accessibility suggestions when reading text in the document.
  • Narrator users can now use voice access to open applications, dictate text and interact with elements on the screen using their voice. Narrator users can use voice access to give Narrator commands using their voice. For e.g., “speak faster”, “read next line”, etc. To get started, search for “voice access” in Windows search and set it up.
  • Fixed an issue where Narrator was not correctly announcing the selected item in combo boxes when users try to change the combo box value using key combination Control + up or down arrow.
  • Fixed an issue where Narrator was announcing old dialog names even after users navigate to new dialog on few web pages.
  • Fixed an issue where Narrator was not reading Role of a control in tables on the web while using table navigation commands CTRL + ALT + Arrow keys.
  • Fixed an issue in Microsoft Excel where Narrator was not consistently reading any item in the auto-complete list that comes when writing a formula.
  • Addressed an issue where Narrator was not announcing the selected state of menu items in few applications such as device manager.
  • Fixed an issue where Narrator was announcing both the unselected value and the newly selected value in elements such as date fields or any elements that are formatted as tables.


  • Added the Colemak keyboard layout. To use you can add it in Settings > Time & Language > Language & region > and select a Latin-script alphabet-based language like English, click on the three dots to open Language Options for that language and then add a keyboard.
  • Added a new Hebrew keyboard layout. To use you can add it in Settings > Time & Language > Language & region > and select Hebrew, click on the three dots to open Language Options for that language, then add a keyboard, and select Hebrew (Standard, 2018).


  • Fixed an issue in Magnifier settings page where the text below “voice speed” slider was not following the color contrast guidelines.

Fixes for known issues

  • Fixed an issue causing Settings to not launch for a small number of Insiders on Build 26010+. If you are impacted and aren’t yet on this build, please see this forum post for a workaround.
  • Fixed a high hitting print spooler crash in the last 2 builds.
  • Fixed an issue where hovering over the system tray area wasn’t bringing up the taskbar when set to autohide.
  • Fixed an issue causing some users to see an increase in SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED bugchecks recently.
  • Fixed an issue causing some insiders to see a bugcheck with BAD_POOL_CALLER in Build 26016+.
  • Fixed an underlying issue related to scrollbars which was causing some app crashes in the last 2 builds.
  • Made a change to help fix an issue which could cause the spacing between your desktop icons to become extremely wide.
  • Fixed the issue in Widgets where announcements from the Microsoft Start feed are still shown on the taskbar after the feed is hidden.
  • Fixed the issue in Widgets where spacing and fonts used in some settings pages were incorrect.

Known issues


  • [IMPORTANT NOTE FOR GAMERS – UPDATED!] Some popular games may not work correctly and cause a bugcheck (green screen) when launched on the most recent Insider Preview builds in the Canary Channel. Please be sure to submit feedback in Feedback Hub on any issues you see with playing games on these builds.
  • [NEW] In some multi-monitor configurations on Build 26040, a display may appear as frozen. If you hit this, you can try CTRL + WIN + Shift + B to restart DWM.
  • [NEW] Content in some video streaming apps from the Microsoft Store may not play. As a workaround, try streaming from a browser.
  • We’re investigating an issue where the print queue is showing a messaging saying it can’t find the app when opened. As a workaround, you can launch the print queue from the Run dialog (WIN + R) and entering: explorer.exe shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.Windows.PrintQueueActionCenter_cw5n1h2txyewy!App.


  • Keyboard navigation from settings subpages back to the top-level Settings page is broken.


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